Security Risk Analysis
Experience the most intuitive platform for SRAs. Kairos Defense provides guidance, explanations and definitions throughout the process. Quickly add users and locations, and complete the assessment at your pace. Assign any category to any team member as needed. And call or email us with any questions.
The moment you complete your assessment, Kairos Defense provides you with an audit-ready report and generates detailed, prioritized action items. Assign these action items to team members, log progress, and track them to completion from the Medcurity dashboard.
Kairos Defense guides you through an assessment of your administrative safeguards, included training, policies, personnel, and more.
Evaluate your technical safeguards with Kairos Defense's definitions and examples.
Service Name
Kairos Defense walks you through the facility and equipment safeguards, as you assess strengths and opportunities for your organization.
This is your Services Page. It's a great opportunity to provide information about the services you provide. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share with site visitors.
Let's Work Together
Contact Kairos Defense today to schedule a HIPAA Security Compliance Consultation.